Oh, how I miss blogging.
I wish my bumpin' social life left more time for it..! :rolls eyes: It would be better if it left more time for LIT. HOMEWORK, to be honest..
Chalk it up to the perfect weather, this mug of warm tea, or whatever you will, but there's been a smile plastered on this face for quite a while now...I'm really starting to like it.
Life spent piling 8 people into the Lincoln, blasting music, smoking a Parliament Light through a sly grin is pretty ideal. Lounging on the grass outside Weaver Street, flirting with - hell, everyone - and stealing Mel's pretzels...Lying around practicing "DrewZen," enjoying dinner at the coolest Ukrainian household in the world, jogging for the hell of it, dreaming of /her/, stroking /her/ hair, teasing /him/ about his, picnicking with junkfood and 40oz's, holding hands, strolling through nature, falling in love..
It's working. It sure as hell works for this girl.
Love and light,
Another Fantasty, pt. 2
16 years ago