Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Wonders

Hello faithful readers!

First, a quick note. Anyone discussed in my blog from here forward will be given a nickname. Each will bear some significance to his or her personality, habits, or true name. Good luck keeping up, since they are liable to change each entry. They are not so much for anonymity but rather entertainment.

Today has been quite nice, despite last night. After a throughly saddening conversation with Pear, I cried myself peacefully to sleep. Luckily I woke up feeling all right, if not a bit sleepy. Mum had prepared a chocolate croissant and a thermos of coffee for me, so I figured the day must be destined to go all right.

And so it did. It was rather lovely, actually. ;]

I'm still unsure as to Saturday night's plans!! As long as I get to wear my dress and take cutesy pictures and be with those I care about, I think everything will be great, though. We shall see! More details sure to come regarding plans.

I have something of a breakfast date tomorrow morning, thanks to the delayed opening. I'm pretty excited. Anything involving breakfast burritos and Jake is sure to be enjoyable.

Zak suggested that I make this a music blog, something I am very interested in doing. Keep your eyes open for my amateurish reviews of obscure bands, which will hopefully come sometime in the not-so-distant future.

All the best,