Monday, August 25, 2008

Woke Up New

It's so hard to write lately, which I find extremely frustrating.
The following is my attempt; excuse mistakes.

Today was the first day of my senior year. Someone quite special to me took me up on my offer, so I spent a lovely hour or so with M and S at Cup a Joe. Warm caramel latte, a smoke, and some much-needed relaxation. Aplus for sure.

After fixing my schedule (for the fourth time), I headed to my second period P.E. class. Coach Kieckbusch seems very nice, and I found myself resisting the urge to call him Paul. Paul...we spent most of the period talking about rules and consequences and other non-noteworthy topics. D has gym the same period, so I spent a while catching up with him. :]

Next I had Drawing and Painting. Mr. Watson has grown a beard, was wearing nice pants, and seems easy to get along with. E and a few others I know are in that class with me, and I found the period's activity and short lecture very intriguing.

Third period Lit was extremely intimidating, but when I noticed Mr. Head has a coffee pot, a stash of tea and something that could possibly be an espresso machine in his room, I figured we'll learn to get along. The reading quiz tomorrow? Let's pretend it's not going to happen.

It was a wonderful surprise to find both M and K in my Spanish class. I am so happy to have Moeller again. Who would have thought I'd miss her?! The class moved along very smoothly and I was pleased to see how quickly speaking the language came back to me.

Lunch was lovely. Filled with hugs and smiles and friendly faces and pizza that dear sweet M brought, the period ended far too soon.

Fifth period Discrete Math might be the best accidental decision I ever made. E is in it with me, and we sat together and caught up. :] Mr. Miller is distractingly tall with a rather monotone voice, but he seems rather harmless, other than his over-devotion to sports...

Sixth period Yearbook also went smoothly. The usual borderline creepy comments from Stanfa made me cringe/grin, and giggling with cutie-pie R made me happy.

I ended the school day with seventh period Religions, a class I am very much looking forward to. Loranger is her usual fantastic self, and I have many friends in that class. :]

EDIT : I never finished this yesterday, so I suppose I'll just add my closing remarks now. Overall, I'm looking forward to this year, but it certainly comes with a certain amount of apprehension as well. I suppose we'll just have to see. Today S lent me a sweatshirt, and I found myself almost unconsciously burying my head in it and breathing in the scent. It helped me realize that there's something I'm very much hoping for and maybe lucky number 27 will being it to me.

Best of luck and good wishes,