Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i was going to title this with the name of the CPD narcotics detective's name but then i forgot it
my goodness.
today was as bad as my weekend was good.
Let's see...
Yeah, I'm guessing most of it isn't even fit to talk about right now.
Legalities and all?
I don't really know but I ain't about to chance dat shit, yo.
Can I just thank Mr. Stanfa, Kacie, Kegan + Yearbookers, Joey, and Neal?
mk. thanx.
I don't know what else to say.
Posted by soundscapes.cityscapes at 11:31 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
i never liked the rain 'till i walked through it with you...
What a day!
Woke at 1:56pm. Doubted it was really 1:56pm. Rubbed eyes, sat up, realized it was, and grinned. Four day weekends FTW? Absolutely. I stumbled out of bed to roam the house and lurk my usual websites of choice: Facebook, Meebo, 4chan...Mum was out doing her duty to our great citizens by working the polls, bless her soul. M was out, and E&C were still asleep, so I just relaxed and ate some macaroni and cheese and enjoyed doing nothing. Eventually M returned and we hung out a bit before she had to go to work.
I dropped Mel off at work and drove over to M's to hang out with L.. We sat around and sleepily watched election coverage and chatted. I really, really enjoy spending time with him...later we drove through the rain to Panera and both had soup. xD. It was simply lovely. I grinned thinking that the last time we'd gone out to eat together the weather was precisely the same. I'm beginning to love the rain... ;]
After I came home I made myself some cafe clasico and munched on some of the cake Mum made last night. I'd better learn how to bake, and soon, because I'm bot going to get through college without some homemade cakes and cookies. Maybe she will have to move in with me afterall. :shudders: I love my momma.
Since then, I've been fervently watching the election coverage. It was projected just a few minutes ago that Barack Hussein Obama has been elected the 44th president of the United States of America...I couldn't be happier. I am overjoyed that I was able to vote in this historic election, and I am beyond excited to see what the future holds for President Obama, our country, and
All the best,
Posted by soundscapes.cityscapes at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
I woke with a start to the touch of his fingers stroking my hair. It was oddly beautiful.
My day was quite all right. Woke up early go to Crabtree with Mum and M. I had a really fun time shopping and loling and enduring an ungodly amount of puns. Had a good lunch and some nice quality family time. Returned with some great finds, the faux-suede fuchsia pumps perhaps being the best. Glad.
Relaxed and did nothing and loved it. Dinner. Wished he would call. Got all dressed up, but had no where to go. Drove on fumes to OE, attempted to parallel park. A gentleman asked if I was Tabitha, and I replied that sorry, but I was not. Recieved my usual free cup of coffee from M, tipped well. Allowed myself extra sugar, waited for the phone to ring. Settled at a table outside next to the windows and read for a while by the light from inside...I sipped my coffee and enjoyed a Parliment or two. Very content. Later slipped inside to warm up, but promptly dozed off to sleep in the depths of an easychair...he woke me up. Drove home in a daze.
Oh, four day weekends how I love you so.
Posted by soundscapes.cityscapes at 8:45 PM 0 comments
back by 'popular' demand?
Considering that I am unable to settle down to sleep and that a certain pretty lady suggested I revive this ol' thing, I decided to make a somewhat sensible blog post. Ohh, there is so much to say...I know I never will be able to recount it all, and I just hope I will never forget.
Now it is nearing 1:30am, Ginger is pawing at me incessantly for some reason still unknown to me, and I'm sitting here restlessly trying to articulate my thoughts. Today was...quite a day. I woke up early after not getting to sleep until after 3...per Mum's request I spent far too much time cleaning the house and organizing the kitchen pantry and the like. Finally, M and I were released from or household duties and went out to the barn. The weather had taken a wonderful turn for the better, and we were met with warm sunshine and a perfect Carolina blue sky. We rode for hours exploring the extensive trails behind the barn and out towards Duke Forest. It was lovely!!
Later I stopped by Caribou and met up with L and an assorted group of others. It was quiet and relaxing and I sat sipping my coffee and watching the group interact, which was rather fascinating as always. Later I drove L down to his place to save him the trouble of biking. I am kind, kind soul. I rushed off to meet L. at Open Eye. Head in the clouds, I hung a sharp right turn without paying any regards to a certain octagonal red sign. My eyes darted to the left a moment too late, and next thing I knew I seem dem flashing liiiights...
"I recognize you from Thursday night, ma'am."
Several agonizing minutes later I was issued a citation and I have to go to court on the 10th of December. Awesome.
All for now, I am finally feeling the exhaustion kick in. I am so happy with life right now, and it really is a great feeling. I feel wonderful...
- Happy birthday, Sarah and Celia <3 -
Posted by soundscapes.cityscapes at 1:19 AM 1 comments