Monday, November 3, 2008

back by 'popular' demand?

Considering that I am unable to settle down to sleep and that a certain pretty lady suggested I revive this ol' thing, I decided to make a somewhat sensible blog post. Ohh, there is so much to say...I know I never will be able to recount it all, and I just hope I will never forget.

Now it is nearing 1:30am, Ginger is pawing at me incessantly for some reason still unknown to me, and I'm sitting here restlessly trying to articulate my thoughts. Today was...quite a day. I woke up early after not getting to sleep until after 3...per Mum's request I spent far too much time cleaning the house and organizing the kitchen pantry and the like. Finally, M and I were released from or household duties and went out to the barn. The weather had taken a wonderful turn for the better, and we were met with warm sunshine and a perfect Carolina blue sky. We rode for hours exploring the extensive trails behind the barn and out towards Duke Forest. It was lovely!!
Later I stopped by Caribou and met up with L and an assorted group of others. It was quiet and relaxing and I sat sipping my coffee and watching the group interact, which was rather fascinating as always. Later I drove L down to his place to save him the trouble of biking. I am kind, kind soul. I rushed off to meet L. at Open Eye. Head in the clouds, I hung a sharp right turn without paying any regards to a certain octagonal red sign. My eyes darted to the left a moment too late, and next thing I knew I seem dem flashing liiiights...
"I recognize you from Thursday night, ma'am."
Several agonizing minutes later I was issued a citation and I have to go to court on the 10th of December. Awesome.

Angry and bitter, I sped off to meet up with L. We sat and chatted with a few acquaintances as I snuck glances at his smile and his eyes and felt oddly comforted.

All for now, I am finally feeling the exhaustion kick in. I am so happy with life right now, and it really is a great feeling. I feel wonderful...

- Happy birthday, Sarah and Celia <3 -