Saturday, January 23, 2010

yeah, yeahhh

more poetry and such. feel free to comment or leave suggestions if you so choose.
love love,
Susannah <3

1. Landscape poem for 208. Interesting, certainly.

"A View from Suite Q"

Leaning lazily from the comfort of your doorjamb,

I see through foggy eyes the ground stretched out before me

like so many thick grass and gravel quilts

stitched together with the thread of the concrete curb.

Me and my smoke watch from your doorstep.

The air is thin and cool and still

in that way stillness only exists at 3:36am.

The night is silent but for the sound of a generator humming

like a far off shrimp boat’s engine heard underwater.

The glowing street lamps stand sentry

from the undisturbed sidewalk,

and the pinprick light from my cigarette

tries to keep up. Then there, in the distance, a fox

with fur that is gray like the morning

slinks onto the lawn, his paws wet with dew.

2. Scrawled notes I found after the HB weekend. Dying to turn them into /something/...!

There are a thousand ways or more
to get lost and only one
right way to go sometimes
every path that loses you -

you guys win
I want to Listen to Lazer bitch
byt the lunch wine
was a bad idea
but all bad ideas
were good ones once
right? and I am
and I am and I am create
iambs. I won't let you
out, or room to breathe.

but that road goes nowhere
interesting, so I know you aren't