Saturday, May 31, 2008


Mango-mouthed and hazy-headed
Soft and haunting music floats from the speakers and my languid body lies
heavy ;
the soft blankets feeling steady and sober underneath it
Oh, Thunder Road
Were it you - strong but somehow// delicate; holding me
Lids droop, mind wanders, searching -
Slip a poorly folded sheet of paper from my back pocket
Pencil scrawls remind me
The noises blended together and my mind felt warm,
blanketed -
not suffocated, yet
I ignore the mistakes, casually scratched out
tucked in close
Warm by the fire, child
I will keep you safe
I admired his effortless ease and soft
His muted confidence
Set to repeat, the music does as it's told

Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Travel is good for the troubled soul"

It's late Sunday night, and I'm in the mood to blog. For whatever mysterious reason, SC couldn't come over tonight, so here I lay, curled up in bed with the laptop, listlessly Facebooking and blogging, and creating sentences, with too many, comma splices. :]

Friday evening we left for Holden Beach. Overall the trip was very nice and relaxing. I spent Saturday napping and eating ice cream and watching very good movies. I had the pleasure of watching Love in the Time of Cholera, the film adaptation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's book El amor en los tiempos de colera. I throughly enjoyed the movie; the filmography and acting were both brilliantly done. However, I feel it would have been an even stronger movie had the producers chosen to make the film in Spanish. Spanish was the native tongue for all the principle actors, and the novel was originally written in Spanish.
Saturday ended with a few lovely conversations with SC and a very restful night's sleep.

Today I woke up to a breakfast of waffles with strawberries and cream. Afterwards I watched Lucky # Slevin, which I enjoyed immensely. I'm not sure I can properly commend this movie, because my grasp of the English language simply isn't developed enough to accurately portray the greatness of this film. Enough said.

Afterwards, I went down to the beach for some sun and girl time with Melissa. Quality.
The drive home was less than pleasant. Emily and Colleen were behaving very poorly...kicking and screaming and carrying on. I still have a headache.

May tomorrow be pleasant.
Take care,

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Not in the mood for a proper update, I decided instead to make a quick list of just a a few of the things I'm thankful for. Porque' no?

Starbucks, its commercial-yet-delicious coffee creations and its kind employees
Lincoln-ing <3
Anonymous poster
The Spanish language
Seeing my family happy
Final Cut Pro

All the best,

Monday, May 19, 2008

Smile Juice

Here I sit, peacefully sipping peach mango tea, listening to The Mountain Goats and thinking about life. I wonder if it's possible to be too...contemplative. I reflect upon life's happenings so much, I wonder if it's healthy. :smiles:

The past few days have been rather lovely. I had been feeling so much lately as though I was stuck in some sort of transitional stage, caught seemingly forever between the old and the new, the past never quite leaving and the future never fully arriving. However, as the days pass peacefully by, I find myself smiling more, laughing more, and truly living more. I must sound like a complete sap, but it makes me smile knowing I finally feel as though things are moving forward.

School is winding down, which of course comes complete with extensive end-of-year projects and final exams looming in the distance. However, even if it's just for this moment, I feel as if everything is going to be okay...

and she came here after midnight.
the hot weather made her feel right at home.
come on in, we haven't slept for weeks.
drink some of this. it'll put color in your cheeks.

May your mugs and hearts be equally as full,


I feel more like vomiting than properly updating.

Ta ta,

Friday, May 16, 2008

Under the Impression

It's a quiet, slightly lonely Friday evening and I thought I'd take a while to reflect upon the day for your reading pleasure.

Overall, it's been a generally productive and relaxing day. Lunch consisted of sunshine, Diet Coke, shirtlessness, cute haircuts and wonderful company. :)

Later I attended the mock crash presentation with Alix and Bea. It went very well, and I was touched that so many emergency service personnel took the time and effort to participate. I'm sure few of you know I've actually considered EMS work as a career. Hmm. After school, the three of us drove into town for manicures. It was a perfect, if not cutely stereotypical, time to gossip and catch up and enjoy one another's company. A chance encounter with a face from the past and a honey mustard crispy chicken wrap only served to make the afternoon even more lovely.

I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow! Plans are still a little up in the air, but I have many options that all involve a black satin mini dress, obnoxiously golden fingernails, best friends and quality time with El Alcalde. <3

Best wishes and goodnight,

Thursday, May 15, 2008


out: exes
in: oohs

words of the day: dissonance (n.) - a mingling of discordant sounds; especially : a clashing or unresolved musical interval or chord
pandemonium (n.) - a wild uproar

I enjoyed today.

All the best,

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Wonders

Hello faithful readers!

First, a quick note. Anyone discussed in my blog from here forward will be given a nickname. Each will bear some significance to his or her personality, habits, or true name. Good luck keeping up, since they are liable to change each entry. They are not so much for anonymity but rather entertainment.

Today has been quite nice, despite last night. After a throughly saddening conversation with Pear, I cried myself peacefully to sleep. Luckily I woke up feeling all right, if not a bit sleepy. Mum had prepared a chocolate croissant and a thermos of coffee for me, so I figured the day must be destined to go all right.

And so it did. It was rather lovely, actually. ;]

I'm still unsure as to Saturday night's plans!! As long as I get to wear my dress and take cutesy pictures and be with those I care about, I think everything will be great, though. We shall see! More details sure to come regarding plans.

I have something of a breakfast date tomorrow morning, thanks to the delayed opening. I'm pretty excited. Anything involving breakfast burritos and Jake is sure to be enjoyable.

Zak suggested that I make this a music blog, something I am very interested in doing. Keep your eyes open for my amateurish reviews of obscure bands, which will hopefully come sometime in the not-so-distant future.

All the best,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I suppose this entry marks the beginning.

The beginning of a new and hopefully successful blog, surely, but it's the beginning of a lot more in my life, as well. The trouble with beginnings is that they are so often associated with endings.
Can beginnings really exist without the ending of something previous? Even birth itself marks the end of many things; a woman giving birth to a child must bid farewell forever to her former life.

Alas, as predicted, I ramble on with matters of little importance [or pertinence, rather]. All I really meant to do was introduce you, the lovely reader, to my blog. Its contents are sure to vary widely, but will somehow relate to the goings-on in my life.

We'll see how this goes!

All the best,